Journal articles
Hobbs, NT, DB Johnston, KN Marshall, EC Wolf, and DJ Cooper (2024) Does restoring apex predators to food webs restore ecosystems? Large carnivores in Yellowstone as a model system. Ecological Monographs 94(2):e1598. [Free online]
Wolf EC, E Rejmankova , DJ Cooper (2019) Wood chip soil amendments in restored wetlands affect plant growth by reducing compaction and increasing dissolved phenolics. Restoration Ecology 27(5):1128-1136. [Online abstract] [View-only PDF]
Wolf, EC, DJ Cooper (2015) Fens of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: patterns of distribution and vegetation. Mires and Peat, Vol. 15: Article 8, 8pp. [Free online] [Photos]
Hribljan, JA, Cooper DJ, Sueltenfuss J, Wolf EC, Heckman KA, Lilleskov EA, Chimner RA (2015) Carbon storage and long-term rate of accumulation in high-altitude Andean peatlands of Bolivia. Mires and Peat, Vol 15: Article 12, 14pp. [Free online]
Cooper, DJ, Wolf EC, Ronayne MJ, Roche JW (2015) Effects of groundwater pumping on the sustainability of a mountain wetland complex, Yosemite National Park, California. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 3:87–105. [Free online]
Cooper DJ, Wolf EC, Colson C, Vering W, Granda A, Meyer M (2010) Alpine peatlands of the Andes, Cajamarca, Peru. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42:19-33. [Free online] [Photos]
Loheide II SP, Deitchman RS, Cooper DJ, Wolf EC, Hammersmark CT, Lundquist JD (2009) A framework for understanding the hydroecology of impacted wet meadows in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ranges, California, USA. Hydrogeology Journal 17:229-246. [View-only PDF] [Photos]
^ COMMENT ON ABOVE ARTICLE: Hill, B., and S. Mitchell-Bruker (2010) Comment on “A framework… Hydrogeology Journal 18:1741–1743 [View-only PDF]
^^ OUR REPLY TO THE COMMENT: Loheide II SP, Deitchman RS, Cooper DJ, Wolf EC, Hammersmark CT, Lundquist JD (2010) Reply to comment on “A framework… Hydrogeology Journal 18:1745–1746. [View-only PDF]
Wolf EC, Cooper DJ, Hobbs NT (2007) Hydrologic regime and herbivory stabilize an alternative state in Yellowstone National Park. Ecological Applications 17:1572–1587. [Free online] [Our cover photo] [Photos]
PhD dissertation
Wolf, EC (2017) Ecosystem function, degradation, and restoration in wetlands of the Sierra Nevada, California. PhD dissertation, University of California-Davis. 134pp. [PDF 5 MB]
Master’s thesis
Wolf, EC (2004) The role of beaver, stream flow, and elk in willow establishment and floodplain stability on small streams on Yellowstone’s nothern range. Master’s thesis, Colorado State University. 61pp. [PDF 2.4 MB]
Book chapter
Peterson, RO, RL Beschta, DJ Cooper, NT Hobbs, DB Johnston, EJ Larsen, KN Marshall, LE Painter, WJ Ripple, JR Rose, DW Smith, and EC Wolf. (2020) Indirect Effects of Carnivore Restoration on Vegetation. Page 205-222 in D. W. Smith, D. R. Stahler, and D. R. MacNulty, editors. Yellowstone wolves: science and discovery in the world’s first national park. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ; London. [First page preview]
Wolf, EC [presenter] (2024) Restoration of meadows in the Sierra. Oral presentation at the Northern California Botanists Symposium, Chico, CA. [Abstract] [Slides] [Video of talk]
Wolf, EC [presenter], Cooper DJ, Demetry A, Wagner J (2015) Researching and repairing legacy grazing impacts in Sierra Nevada Wetlands. Oral presentation at the Science for Parks, Parks for Science: The Next Century meeting. Berkeley, CA. [Abstract]
Wolf, EC [presenter], DJ Cooper, A Demetry, and J Wagner (2015) Repairing legacy grazing impacts in Sierra Nevada Wetlands. Oral presentation at the bi-annual meeting of the George Wright Society. Oakland, CA. [Abstract 1.5 MB]
Cooper, DJ, Wolf EC [presenter], A Demetry, and J Wagner (2013) Putting the Pieces Back Together: From Gully to a Functioning Mountain Meadow in Sequoia National Park. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Madison, WI. [Abstract]
Wolf, EC [presenter], DJ Cooper, SP Loheide II, and K Ankenbauer (2013) Herbivory Maintains Altered Vegetation and Carbon Flux in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park: Concepts for Restoration. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Madison, WI. [Abstract]
Wolf, EC [presenter], DJ Cooper, A Demetry, and J Wagner (2009) The restoration of Halstead Meadow, Sequoia National Park. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Madison, WI. [Abstract]
Wolf, EC [presenter] and DJ Cooper (2007) Fens of the Sierra Nevada. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Sacramento, CA. [Abstract] [Photos]
Wolf, EC [presenter] and DJ Cooper (2003) Climate- and Beaver-Induced Hydrologic Variation of Small Streams: Implications for Willow Persistence in Yellowstone National Park. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Savannah, GA. [Abstract] [Photos]
National Forest Service Species Conservation Assessments
Wolf, EC, E Gage, and DJ Cooper (2006) Drosera anglica Huds. (English sundew): a technical conservation assessment. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. [PDF 1.7 MB]
Wolf, EC, E Gage, and DJ Cooper (2006) Drosera rotundifolia L. (roundleaf sundew): a technical conservation assessment. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. [PDF 2.9 MB]
Wolf, EC (2022) Ackerson Meadow Restoration Design Basis Report. Report for American Rivers, Yosemite National Park, and Stanislaus National Forest. [PDF 6MB]
Wolf, EC (2021) Condition assessment and restoration recommendations for the wetlands of Evolution Valley, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks [PDF 14MB]
Wolf, EC and J Shaw (2021) Ecological site assessment and wilderness-appropriate restoration design for Log Meadow, Sequoia National Park. [PDF 9MB].
Wolf, EC, D.J. Cooper, and J Wagner (2018) Restoration Alternatives for Phase 3 Halstead Meadow, Sequoia National Park. [PDF 6 MB]
Wolf, EC, J Wagner, and DJ Cooper (2017) Wetland Delineation for Halstead Meadow. Report for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. [PDF 17 MB]
Wolf, EC and DJ Cooper (2016) Assessment of Soil and Moisture Conservation Crew meadow restoration. Report for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. [PDF 7.4 MB]
Wolf, EC, A Demetry, DJ Cooper, and J Wagner (2015) Existing condition assessment and preliminary stabilization/restoration alternatives for Cahoon Meadow, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. Report for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. [PDF 4 MB]
Wolf, EC and DJ Cooper (2015) Wetland delineation for Cahoon Meadow, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Report for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. [PDF 4 MB]
The Ecology Graduate Student Project Collective (Jessica Blickley, Esther Cole, Stella Copeland, Kristy Deiner, Kristen Dybala, P. Bjorn Erickson, Rebecca Green, Katie Holzer, Chris Mosser, Erin Reddy, Meghan Skaer, Jamie Shields, Anna Steel, Zachary Steel, Evan Wolf) and M. W. Schwartz (2013) A natural resource condition assessment for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks: Appendix 15a – animals of conservation concern. Natural Resource Report NPS/SEKI/NRR—2013/665.15a. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. [PDF 1.2 MB]
Wolf, EC and DJ Cooper (2011) Restoration of geomorphic structure, hydrologic regime, and vegetation in Upper Halstead Meadow. Report prepared for Sequoia National Park, CA. [PDF 11.1 MB]
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf (2008) Yosemite Valley: Hydrologic Regime, Soils, Pre-Settlement Vegetation, Disturbance, and Concepts for Restoration. Report prepared for Yosemite National Park, CA. [PDF 6.7 MB] [Photos]
Wolf, EC and DJ Cooper (2008) Hydrologic Regime, Vegetation, Impact Analysis, and Restoration Concepts for the Rodeo Beach Wetland complex: Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California. Report prepared for Golden Gate National Recreation Area, CA.[PDF 3.0 MB] [Photos]
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf (2007) A Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Puccinellia howellii, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, California. Report prepared for Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, CA. [PDF 1.8 MB] [Photos]
Cooper, DJ, EC Wolf, and EA Gage (2007) Plant establishment for wetland reclamation: A review of plant establishment techniques and species tolerances for water level and salinity. Appendix D in: Guidelines wetland establishment on reclaimed oil sand leases. Report prepared for Suncor Energy Inc. Calgary, Alberta. [PDF 3.1 MB]
Cooper, DJ, JD Lundquist, J King, A Flint, L Flint, EC Wolf, FC Lott, and J Roche (2006) Effects of the Tioga Road on hydrologic processes and lodgepole pine invasion into Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park. Report prepared for Yosemite National Park, CA. [PDF 10.4 MB] [Photos]
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf (2006) Analysis of meadow hydrology, vegetation, and soils and suggestions for restoration of upper Halstead Meadow, Sequoia National Park, California. Report prepared for Sequoia National Park, CA. [PDF 2.1 MB] [Photos]
Cooper, DJ, EC Wolf, C Colson and W Vering (2006) Wetlands of the Minas Conga region, Cajamarca, Peru. Report prepared for Newmont Mining Co. Denver, CO. [Photos]
Ongoing work
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf. Implementation of the proposed restoration projects for the habitat of the rare saltgrass Puccinellia howellii: Whiskeytown National Recreation Area.[Photos]
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf. Implementation of the proposed restoration projects for Halstead Meadow: Sequoia National Park. [Photos]
Cooper, DJ, EC Wolf, and Rod Chimner. Influence of ground water pumping on the Giant Sequoia tress of Tuolumne Grove, Yosemite National Park.
Cooper, DJ and EC Wolf. Mount Hood Meadows Restoration Plan – Draft. Prepared for Friends of Mount Hood and Mount Hood Meadows Ski Resort.